All the slot machines have their odds randomly generated each play. As such, there is no single slot machine that is good for every player all the time. Generation 3: Generation 3 includes two sets of games: ruby/sapphire/emerald and fire red/leaf green. For Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, the slots are again fairly random. Veilstone Game Corner(トバリゲームコーナーTobari Game Corner) is a game corner in the Sinnoh region, located in Veilstone City. The Game Corner differs from the European to the American and Japanese versions. The American and Japanese Game Corners feature 16 slot machines. The European version features Game Machines. In order to play at the Game Corner, a Coin Case is needed. All the slot machines have their odds randomly generated each play. As such, there is no single slot machine that is good for every player all the time. Generation 3: Generation 3 includes two sets of games: ruby/sapphire/emerald and fire red/leaf green. For Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, the slots.

Select the chapter or view the game index.

If you want to leave Rikulz a tip for writing this Pokemon Emerald guide you can do so here.

Pokemon Emerald

When you start a new game Prof. Birch will tell about Pokémon, and then give you the choice to pick between being a boy or a girl for your playthrough.
You will then get to choose your name.
Once Birch is done talking to you the game will start. Exit the Truck and your Mom will take you inside the house.
Once inside you will be told to head upstairs to set the clock.
On the wall there will be a clock to set the time.
You can set it to whatever time you want. The internal clock will move the clock forward and certain events that only happen daily will be renewed. If your Game is old like mine however the battery will have run dry and you'll be stuck on the same day. This is not gamebreaking however so do not worry if this applies to you.
Once you set the clock your Mom will come talk to you.
Afterwards go to the PC in your room and choose Item Storage.
You will be able to withdraw a potion to heal your Pokémon.
Go downstairs when your done. Your Dad the Gym Leader of Petalburg will be on TV. You will then be told to visit your neighbors.
Go next door to meet your neighbors.
The woman of the house will have you go meet her daughter she thinks is upstairs. When you go up no is there but you can look around.
Press A and your Rival will show up. Your rival will talk to you and Remember that they were supposed to help their father, Prof. Birch today.
When you head out go North of town to see a girl scared from some noises.
Go check it out to find Prof. Birch being attacked by a wild Pokémon.
He'll have you go to his bag so you can get one of his pokemon to save him. Out of the three Pokémon he has you can choose one to be your starting Pokémon.
Treecko, the Grass type
Torchic, the Fire type
Whichever Pokémon you choose get ready to fight a Zigzagoon.
Your starting Pokémon only has one damaging attack move so just spam that to win. Your attack should be the one in the top left. In my case this is scratch. To learn what a move does just go to the pokemon tab, choose summary and then you can learn about your Pokémon.
It shouldn't take very long to faint the Pokémon if you just keep attacking it
Go North of the town past where Prof. Birch was attacked. Moving around in the grass will attract Pokémon.
Once in the next town go to the red building, the Pokémon Center to heal your Pokémon.
Once you leave go talk to the woman to the right of the center.
She will show you to the Poké Mart where you can buy items, and she will give you a free potion.
Head North of this town to find your Rival. Once you find them they will challenge you to a battle, so I recommend leveling your Pokémon to 6 to make the battle easier. Heal at a Pokemon Center once your ready to fight them.
Talk to them and the battle will start. Their starting Pokémon is whatever your starter is week against.
The beginning battles don't take much strategy so simply use your strongest attack over and over to win.
Also count how much each attack is doing to your Pokémon, and which order the Pokémon are attacking in. Except if theirs a critical hit knowing this will allow you to heal your Pokémon with a potion if they were going to faint
Once you win your Rival will tell you to meet them back at Birch's lab.
At the lab the Prof wil give you the Pokémon encyclopedia, the Pokédex, while may will give you 5 Pokéballs to catch Pokémon.
At this point the you can buy Pokéballs at the Poké Mart. Buying 10 Pokéballs will also get you 1 free.
Leave and go talk to your Mom. She will give you Running Shoes and wish you luck.
Now go West of Oldale town to head towards Petalburg.
On the route you will find trainers that will challenge you to a battle.
Except for major battles, which I will give strategies on, most battles don't take much to win. I will tell you which pokemon each trainer on a route has. The first trainer you find having a LVL5 Poochyena.
The next trainer you find will be a little to the left of the first one.
He will use 2 Wurmple.
A little North of that trainer you will find one more .
This trainer has a Zigzagoon, and a
You can find some berrys that you can pick and give to your Pokémon to hold. You can also replant them to get more EXCEPT if your battery has run dry. In which case the plants will never grow.
Go left of that area to find the last trainer of the route.
THe rainer will use a zigzagoon and a
While your on this route I recommend catching a Lotad for the next gym and Ralts, if you can find one.
In Petalburg go to the Gym to talk to your Dad.
While your talking a kid named Wally will come in and ask for help in catching a Pokémon. Your Dad will have you show him although he does everything himself. If you don't know how to catch Pokémon watch Wally's demonstartion.
Once you have all the Pokémon and supplies you need head west of Petalburg to Petalburg Woods to start your journey to the Elite Four.

Road to the First Badge - To Petalburg Woods

As your leaving a random guy will come talk to you and leave.
Continue through Route 104 to find a Cottage. Remember this place for later.
South of the Cottage is a fisherman ready for battle.
All he has are Magicarp which are literally the weakest Pokémon in the game.
South of the fisherman is one more trainer.
This trainer uses a zigzagoon.
A tip for training your Pokémon. have your weakest Pokémon at the front of your team so it goes first. Then in battle switch to your stronger Pokémon. As long as a Pokémon was in battle it will get experience for the Pokémon fainting.
Go North of the Cottage to head to Petalburg Woods and the last trainer of the Route.
She only has a Zigzagoon

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In Petalburg Woods head left.
You should find a Bug triainer.
This trainer will only use wurmple
You will get an Item ahead of that trainer.
Take the path to the right and go up.
You should see a man get attacked by a gang member who you will battle to help the man.
The Aqua grunt should only have a Poochyena
Once you beat the grunt he will reward you with a Great Ball.
Continue on the forest to find one more trainer

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He'll use a nincada
past that trainer to the right you will find some trees which can be Cut once you get the proper move.
Leave the forest to reach the next Route. Directly North of their you will find a flower shop.
Talk to the woman in the middle of the store to get a Walimer Pail to water plants.
The Woman to the Right will give you a berry.
If you look in the empty grass spots behind the shop you will find a few items.
Head right of the the flower shop to meet a rich trainer.
He'll have a zigzagoon
To the right of him you'll find a Lady.
She'll have a Lotad and a
There will be a bridge North of her.
You will find a pair of twins and enter your first double battle.
Double battles are a 2 vs 2 Pokémon battle. In this battle format you can actually attack your own Pokémon. Unless your using some startegy I would not however.This battle will be between Seedot and Lotad.
Past the bridge their is a battle with a fisherman
All he has are Magicarp

Rustborro City - The First Gym

If you go to the left you'll find Cutter's House. Go inside to get Hidden Machine 01 Cut. This will teach your Pokémon the move Cut after you have obtained this cities badge.
This Gym specializees in Rock types so you need Water or Grass types to win. If your starter was Treecko or Mudkip your fine. If not you need a Lotad.
In the Gym there are Gym trainers which are slighly stonger than regular trainers. For some gyms you can skip most and/or all of them such as this Gym.
The first trainer in the gym is at the front.
The only Pokémon he has are Geodude.
The next battle will be a double battle.
Both Trainers wil use Geodude
Once you beat them get Ready for your Gym battle against Roxanne. Your Pokémon have to be atleast LVL12 to fight her, but I recommend LVL14.
Using Absorb from Lotad should 1 Hit Kill the Geodudes at lvl 12
She will then send out another Geodude
Just keep attacking with your moves and heal if your pokemon's health becomes low.
When she sends out her Nosepass is when the fight becomes hard.
Absorb barely does any damage to it and it's Rock Tomb takes away most of your health.
And once Nosepass' health becomes low it uses an Oran berry. If Roxanne didn't use all her potions on geodude she will use it on Nosepass.
Just keep attacking with your strongest Super Effective attack and heal your Pokémon if it's health gets anywhere near half.
If you continued the fight like this, except for any critical hits, you should have won. If you're still having trouble go into the grass to LVL up your Pokémon a bit more.
With that you receive the Stone Badge.
And the ability to use Cut.
1 Badge down 7 to go.
Once you leave the Gym the guy you met in Petalburg Woods just got robbed.
Heal your Pokémon then follow him.
Once you find him North of the City he'll ask for your help retrieving his Goods.

Head to Route 106

The path splits off for a bit at the Entrance of the route both with trainers.
The trainer at the bottom will use a Wurmple and a
The trainer on the top will have
a Machop.
Past them you will find a school girl
She'll use shroomish.
A double battle awaits you beyond
This battle will have Shroomsih some Geodudes and
a Lotad.
Another Hiker is past them
With more Geodudes
There are two people past here who had a run in with Team Aqua.
Both of whom you should remember for later.
Go into Rusturf Tunnel to find the Aqua Grunt.
He walked into a Tunnel with no exit so just go up and battle him.
All he has is Poochyena. Compared to a Gym battle this'll be easy.
Once you beat him he'll give you back the Devon Goods and return the old man's Peeko.
The old man will come in to get his Peeko. He'll reveal himself as Capt. Briney the owner of the Cottage from earlier. And now he owes you a favor.
Now go back and return the Devon Goods.
The man will be so overjoyed he gives you another Greatball and introduce you to the President of Devon Corp.
The President will give you a Pokénav and ask you to deliver a letter to his son in Dewford and the Goods you retrieved to Slateport.
On the second floor you'll find this man who will revive fossils.
Leave Devon Corp. and one of the scientists will come to upgrade the Pokénav.
He will add the phone feature. so now you can call people you've met before. if theres a Pokéball symbol next to their name call them back and they will challenge you to a battle.
Once you've healed your Pokémon get a Pokémon to learn Cut. If none of your Pokémon can catch Nincada. Now head back to Rusturf tunnel to battle the trainers to the left of the Rest Stop
It will be a battle versus a Lotad, 2 Zigzagoon
and a Poochyena
The second double battle will be a little to the right.
They will use Marill and Ralts
After the battle my Lotad Evolved into Lombre after LVLing up. If you don't want your Pokemon to Evolve for any reason press B.
A tip for Cut. You can use it on normal grass to make it disappear. The grass will be gone from the area as long as you stay there. Leave and come back for it to reappear.

Road to the Second Gym - To Dewford

Once your ready Leave Rustborro to find your Rival. You can challenge them if you want, but be warned their Pokémon are almost as strong as Roxanne.
The Pokémon they use will be depend on what starter they chose. It could be Torkoal, Lotad or Wingull.
Use you starter Pokemon against it.
Against their starter use Lotad. Being a Grass/Water type none of the starters will have an advantage against it.
If you use Cut in Petalburg Woods and talk to the Woman past it you will get a great hold item, Miracle Seed.
Before heading to Briney's Cottage make sure you have a flying type. Wingull or Taillow. I recommend Taillow.
Talk to Briney and he would be more than happy to take you.
Once you get to Dewford talk to the fisherman by the Gym to get an old rod.
You can now go fishing for Pokémon. However the old rod only catches you Magicarp. If you decide to train magicarp it will evolve into a fearsome Gyarados
If you go in the Gym it's pitch black. By defeating each trainer in the Gym the light will grow larger.
Before that head North of Dewford to train a little.
The first fisherman you see will have some Poisonous tentacool.
The next fisherman is to the left.
He'll use a combination of Tentacool and
Head into the cave next to the Fisherman and talk to the hiker by the entrance.
He'll give you the Hm Flash
If you head down the ladder you will find it pitch black like the Gym. Without the Gym badge you can't use the move flash to see.
Train your Flying type on the First floor of the Cave until it's LVL 15. LVL13 at the least if your going to fight the Gym trainers.
The first Gym trainer is to the right of the entrance.
She'll use Meditite
Up and to the right you'll face a double battle.
They'll use Meditite and Machop
If you go back and then go up you'll find a fork. take the left path up to find a trainer with a Makuhita
Go back down and continue left past the fork to find another trainer.
He'll use Machop.
If you back back and take the right path of the fork and up and then go right you'll face the last Gym trainer. She'll use Meditite.
Once your Healed and got whatever supplies you need(potions just incase) Challenge Brawly.
He'll use a Machop, Meditite, and Makuhita. If you continue attacking with flying moves though they won't stand a chance against you.
One of the easiest Gym's in the game if you use the right Pokémon. You will be rewarded with the Knuckle badge.
Once you have the badge head back into the cave with a Pokémon that knows flash to find Steven. If none of your Pokémon can learn flash go into the darkened part of the cave to find the Pokémon Sableye. They can learn flash if you can catch one.
If you continue you'll find a land slide. You can't go up it without a bike.
If you continue right of that are you will find a ladder.
Once you've taken the ladder contiue to the left to find some smashable rocks.
Go past the Rocks up some stairs and then continue to the right.
You will find a ladder.
Take the ladder and then their should be another ladder to the left of it. Take that ladder up to the Entrance of the cave.
If you continue down the path you will find a room.
Enter it to find Steven.
He will give you a Tm for your trouble.
After delivering the Letter to Steven you can go back and talk to the President of Devon. He will give you the Exp. Share hold item. It will make training a lot easier.

Road to the Third Gym - Slateport

Talk to Briney again and he will now take you to Slateport City.
At the beaches by Slateport you will find a couple trainers. as well as some kids to the right that will give you a nice hold item.
To the left their is a sailor.
He'll use Wingull and
A little higher up and to the right is a tuber.
He'll use Zigzagoon.
If you go South of the tuber and enter the line of sight of the sailor. You will find a double battle waiting for you with the hidden tuber and that same sailor.
They will use Marill and Wingull
If you Head a little higher up you will find an item(potion) to the left an old man picking up trash. Between the Red umbrellas south of that are two tubers waiting for a double battle against you.
Tentacool and Azurill are your oppponents.
If you go to the West side of the beach there is a seaside shack. Head in for a refreshing treat.
If you defeat the three trainers inside you will get a reward.
Challenge the girl with the Green hair.
She will use Goldeen
Next the tuber on the bottom right.
She'll have an Azurill
and Marill.
Finally the sailor on the top right.
He'll use Wingull,
Tentacool, and
After beating everyone talk to the owner to get some free Soda Pop.
You can talk to the owner again to buy some more Soda. It's cheaper that a Super Potion and heals more, so I would stock up on them. Around 40 would be good if you have the money.
Now head North and you'll be in the city. Right of the Poké Mart is a museum with a line of Aqua Grunts.
Before you deal with them head South to the Shipyard.
Go in and talk to this man who will tell you Stern is at the museum.
Head back to the museum to find the lines gone.
Pay a small fee of 50 Poké dollars to get in.
Talk to the first grunt you see, and he will actually be the grunt you beat back at Petalburg Woods and Rusturf Tunnel. Out of fear of you he will give you a Tm.
Head up the stairs to find Stern.
While your talking to him the grunts will come to steal the Devon Goods again.
They'll use Carvanhas
and Zubat.
After you beat them you will meet Aqua's Leader, Archie. He will give up on the Goods and leave.
Now leave the Musuem and Scott will come talk to you. Once your done talking to him get ready to head to Mauville City. Buy a Harbor Maill from the Mart before you go.

Road to the Third Gym - Route 110

Head North of Slateport City to read Route 110. You'll run into Prof. Birch who travelled all this way just to give you his number.
Go up a bit to enter a double battle.
They'll use a team of Plusle and Minun.
Past them is the Trick House. The trick house is updated as you get more badges. I will explain the first part of it aswell as to get some extra Xp.
Go inside and you will see a sparkle by the table underneath the top right cushion. Go to it and press A to find the Trick Master. He'll then challenge you to a game to solve his Puzzle. You will need Cut for this one.
Touch the Scroll on the back wall to find a hidden passageway to his maze.
Go in to find a trainer.
She'll use Oddish.
Now head into thev after you use Cut. The second tree you see after this is where you wanna go.
Now you wanna use Cut at the trees and take the path until you get to the left wall. At the bottom of that past is a trainer and a scroll.
She has a Skitty,
Shroomish, and
a Marill.
Now if you look at the Scroll you will automatically remember the code to unlock the door.
Now head back near the first set of Trees to find one more trainer.
He'll use Zigzagoon.
Now go upto the door in the top right of the room to put in the code and it will open.
GO through to find the Trick Master waiting for you. He will give you a Rare Candy for your hard work.
If you leave the Trick House and come back you'll find the Trick Master preparing new traps for you. Beat more Gyms and come back to challenge him again.
Now if you head left of the Trick House theirs a couple trainers you can fight.
The first trainer will have Shroomish, and
The twins you see past that trainer use Plusle and Minun.
Theirs two more trainers past them.
The first trainer past the twins has a Skitty.
After him is a Fisherman who is really mad for some reason.
He'll have Magikarp and
Now the last trainers are behind the twins in the trees.
They'll have Makuhita and Voltorb
Now head right of the Trick House to head to Mauville.
The first trainer you find will have Aron and
After that battle make sure your Pokémon are healed to battle your Rival.
Your Rival will have 1 Grass, Fire, and Water type. One of those will be their starter. With that their other Pokémon will be Lombre,
Slugma, Wingull, Numel
Or Wailmer. As long as you have a Lotad and a flying type like Taillow the fight shouldn't be that hard.
After you beat your Rival they will give you a present.
Now go ahead in the Route for a double battle.
They will have Electrike,
Voltorb, Lombre,
and Nuzleaf.
Theirs one more double battle on the route.
Tou will have to fight a Mangemite and an Abra
Now head past all the grass to the last trainer of the Route, a fisherman.
He'll use Tentacool, and

Road to the Thirs Gym - Mauville

Head in that first house you see to trade the Harbor Mail for a Coin Case. With that you can now gamble at the Mauville Game Corner.
Now go to the house on the right of the Poké Mart.
The man inside will give you the Hm Rock Smash.
Now head right of the Pokémon Center to find a Bicycle Shop.
Go inside and talk to the owner. Once you tell him you walked all the way here he will sympathize and give you one of two bikes.
It doesn't matter which bike you pick beacuse he will let you switch between the bikes when you talk to him. For now just use the Mach bike for the areas we're going to.
Now head to the Pokémon Center to heal then head to the Gym. There you will find Wally that thinks he has become a competent trainer and wishes to prove it by challenging you.
The only Pokémon he has is a LVL 16 Ralts so compared to your Rival this should be easy.
Now it is time to challenge the Gym. This Gym has an electrified grid that forces you to challenge atleast one trainer to get by.
The first trainers you see will be a double battle against Electrike, Meditite, and
Next the Trainer in the middle of the Gym.
He;; have a Zigzagoon, and a
Next you will have one last double battle. To test out the traps I challenged them to a single battle.
The trainer on the bottom has Illumise, and
Next the trainer on top.
He will use Voltorn, and
Now the Traps are very simple. Each Button on the floor is a switch. Each time you hit one it will go between on and off. You need the switch ON the Purple set of electrified bars to challenge the Gym Leader.
Now be prepared to Challenge the Gym Leader Wattson.
For this battle have Grass and Ground types moves handy with your Pokémon at a minimum of LVL20.
For his Voltorb I recommend using a Pokémon like Voltorb.
Continue using Ground type moves and whatever Pokémon you use against Voltorb be prepared for it to be unusable for the rest of the battle.
At some point in the battle against Voltorb assuming you don't OHKO(One Hit K-O) him he will selfdestruct. Most Pokémon will faint from this, but it isn't very effective against Aron.
His second Pokémon is Electrike. Using the Oddish I caught on the last Route I will poison his Pokémon then attack them with grass moves.
He will use Super Potions to heal his Pokémon, but just keep attacking.
If you need to heal just use the Soda Pop I recommended you stock up on.
After you beat Electrike he will use Magneton. Poison moves won't work on it.
To beat it you will need to attack with Fire or Fighting Moves.
His last Pokémon is Manectric. Manectric does a lot of damage will outspeed most of your Pokémon and Ground type moves is it's only weakness.
Because of this I recommend poisoning and attacking him with your strongest attacks if they can do some damage. As long as you can heal your Pokemon before before he faints them you will be able to win.
With his defeat you will get the Dynamo Badge from Watson
And the Ability to use Rock Smash.

Road to the Fourth Gym - Route 117

On this Route you will find the Day Care Center. Here you can drop two Pokémon off to play. Every step you take gives the Pokémon inside Xp. Leave two Pokémon you don't plan on using right away and then wait till endgame to pick them up. Beware that they will learn whatever moves they want while inside.
Next to the Day Care are some twins.
They have Makuhita and Zigzagoon.
Th eTrainer past them has a lot of Pokémon.
Makuhita, and
My capture skipped the next to trainers underneath the Day Care, and past the grass of the last trainer. their Pokémon were close to LVL18 though.
Now past the little pond there are trainers to the top and bottom.
The trainer on the bottom will use Wurmple's evolutions. Beautifly and
Next the trainers on above him.
The ones on the left will have Doduo, and Ralts
They guy on the right will use Meditite.
The last trainer before Rusturf town will use 6 Pokémon, but they are all weak.
he'll use Wingull
Roselia and

Road to the Fourth Gym - Rusturf

Rusturf is the town where Wally's relatives live and where he is staying at the moment. You don't need to visit though.
Instead head to the cave to the left of the Poké Mart. You will need Rock Smash.
This will lead you to the mist filled Rusturf Tunnel where you fought the Aqua grunt earlier in the game.
Before you battle the hiker head down the left path outside the cave.
once outside you'll find a guy who has lost his glasses.
Whip out your Itemfinder or just Press A on the left tile in front of the last tree on the right.
Those weren't the glasses he was looking for, so you'll keep them. They increase Dark damage.
Now head back in the cave to beat the Hiker.
He will use Geodude and
No a little way up in the cave you will find Wally's cousin Wanda and that guy who was digging the tunnel from earlier.
Use Rock Smash so they can meet and the guy will be so happy he will give you the Hm Strength. Now head North of Mauville to Route 111.

Road to the Forth Badge - Route 111

The first trainers you face here will use Roselia and Sandshrew.
Past them there is another double battle waiting for you.
they will use Numel and Shroomish.
To the right is another place you can do battle at post game. It also has a place to heal your Pokémon if you need.
Now to the left is the Winstrate family. Four battles in a row against their family. It can be tought if your unprepared.
The father will use a team of Taillow and Zigzagoon.
Next the Mother.
Her team will consist of Marill,
Shroomish, and
The daughter will also use Numel.
and finally the Grandma
All she has is Meditite.
Now if you go inside and talk to the Mother you will get a Macho Brace.
Now head North of the Winstrate House to see some breakable Rocks.
Now if you head past there you will see some reporters. You can challenge them to a battle in three areas and their team will grow stronger to a point.
They use Whismus and Magnemite. Afterwards they will ask you to be on Tv which you can decline or accept.
Past the reporters is a camper.
She has Shroomish and
There is another camper after her.
This guy uses Sandshrew.
North of that area is the Desert. You can't go through here at the moment so we have to take the long way.
Head left of the desert and you will find some grass. The grass here contains some Fire Pokémon that you will need.
Now to fight the camper below the grass area.
He will have Nuzleaf.
Now the camper on the left.
She'll have Taillow and
Now welcome to the base of Mt. Chimney
First lets beat the hiker on the right side.
He will use Numel and.
Now if you head to the entrance to the cable cars you will find Team Magma blocking your way. So for now we will head to Fallabor Town.
Go to the left side to find another hiker.
The only Pokémon he as is Geodude.
Now head through the Fiery Path. Their are more Fire Pokémon here if you want to catch some.

Road to the Fourth Gym - Route 112

The first thing you will find on this route is a double battle. Which i missed.
The trainer on the bottom will have Shroomish, and
The trainer on top has Numel.
Now if you head past here to the south you will have the desert area.
Now head North on the Route to find a Cool trainer waiting for a battle.
He has Electrike,
Makuhita, and
If you go a little farther there iss a guy a by a tree that will give you the Tm Secret Power. With Secret Power you can create a base.
A little farther ahead is a Rest Stop. Head inside to heal your Pokémon.
Now take the left path to face a trainer.
She will have Wingull,
Road to the Fourth Badge - Route 113
This Route is filled with soot covering the regular grass.
Now take the path through 113 past the ninja to face a trainer waiting to battle.
He'll have Trapinch.
Now head above the trainer and jump off the ledge there to face a double battle.
They have Koffing, Baltoy, and
Once you beat them a third trainer will immediately see and challenge you.
He has Aron.
Now go back and around them to reach the items. Including a Nugget of gold hidden on the tile behind the third trainer.
Now head left of the first trainer you fought to run into another trainer.
This trainer has a Numel.
A little past that are some twins.
These twins use Spinda.
Get past the twins to find the Glass Workshop.
Go inside and the guy will give you the Soot Sack. With the sack as you walk through soot filled grass the sack will collect the soot. The more more soot you collect the more items you can trade for certain items by the workshop.
Hidden under some soot to the left of the workshop is a ninja.
The ninja will use Koffing.
Continue on the path to the left to fight another trainer.
This trainer will use Aron.
Keep on going to reach the end of the soot filled path and another double battle.
These trainers will use Skarmory, Marill,
Swellow, and

Road to the Fourth Gym - Fallabor Town/Meteor Falls

Go inside the towns Pokémon Center to find someone at the PC. Talk to them to find out that they created to the PC system in the Hoenn region. She will leave and you can meet her again at her house.
If you talk to some of the people in the houses you will find out that Team Magma took a guy to Meteor Falls.
The move relearner is also here if there are any Pokémon moves you want to get your Pokémon to remember.
You will need to trade Heart Scales for it. Heart Scales can be found on Luvdisk. Fish for them and they might be holding one.
To the left of the town is the home of a fossil maniac.
Go inside and his brother will give you the Tm Dig.
Left of his house is a fisherman ready for battle.
He has a Barboach.
Head south of there to find a bridge.
Go left of the bridge before crossing it to find a double battle and an item.
The trainers will use Nuzleaf and Barboach.
After you beat them go across the bridge. Halfway across is a fisherman.
The fisherman uses Magikarp,
and Goldeen.
Past the Fisherman is a camper.
The camper has a Marill and a
Acros the bridge you will see a house. You can go around the house to find a group of berries.
if you jumped off the ledge there you will find Lanette's House.
South of Lanette's house is a pair of twins.
They will use Graveler and Roselia.
Past them is another camper.
He will use a Sandshrew and
a Nuzleaf.
Past him is one last trainer .
This trainer will use Aron.
Head up the staris of the mountain to reach a smashable rock. Beyond there is an item but you want to go in the opposite direction to reach the cave entrance.
If you continue you fill find a rocker.
He will use Slugma
and Wingull.
Continue past him to find a double battle.
The trainers will use Lombre, Geodude,
and Numel.
Continue up the path to run into a hiker.
The hiker will use Geodude, and
It's only a little farther till you reach the Meteor Falls cave entrance.
Once your inside Meteor Falls you will see Team Magma across the bridge.
Go towards them and a quick event will happen. Team Aqua will appear and everyone goes t Mt. Chimney.
If you go South of where Team Aqua and Magma were you will find the Exit to the cave to Route 115
You will find a martial artist a little farther down from the exit.
He will use Machop.
If you head towards the beach to the left you will find a martial artist training.
She will use Meditite, and
Father down the path from the first martial artist is a double battle.
They will use meditite, Zangoose,
Seviper, and
You will find a PP up shortly past them.
If you look on your map you are actually just North of Rustboro. For now though we need to head back to Mt. Chimney so head back to Fallabor and go to the cable cars.
Once back at the cable cars you will find the Magma grunts gone. talk to the woman inside to head up to Mt. Chimney.
There you will find various member of Team Aqua and Magma battling.
Head up to the left past Archie battle with three grunts to find some Magma grunts for you to beat on.
The first battle will be a double battle.
They will have Numel and Zubat.
Your next battle is againt a single grunt.
He will have Numel,
Zubat, and
Now heal up beacuse your next battle is against Magma's boss Maxie.
You will need a Water and Fighting type beat him.
Using a Fighting move will beat his first Pokémon Mightyena.
His next Pokémonis a Camerupt which will be beat by a strong water attack.
Zubat is the last Pokémon he has which can be beat by any of your Pokémon.
Once you beat him Maxie will call off his plans for now.
Once the events end you can go upto the device Maxie was at to get the Meteorite. You can return to Fallabor to give the Meteorite to Prof. Cosma.
If you head back by the entrance you will find an old lady selling some cookies. These cookies are the equivalent of Full Heals for almost nothing. Grab about 20 of them.
Head south of the old lady to reach the Jagged Path.
The first trainer there will have a Geodude,
and Baltoy.
Jump down the ledges and you will see a Magma grunt.
He will have a Poochyena
and Numel. Remember him for later in the game.
Right past the grunt is a lone camper.
She will use Shroomish,
Oddish, and
Past that camper is another camper and cyclist ready for a double battle.
They will use Magnemite and Shroomish.
Jump down the ledge to face the last camper and trainer of this route.
He will use Zigzagoon, and

Road to the Fourth Gym - Lavaridge Town

There isn't much to do in Lavaridge so once your healed and supplied up get ready to face the Fire Gym. Water Pokémon make it a cake walk.
Enter the Gym to find it incredibly misty. On the floor are holes which will teleport you to other areas or reveal trainers.
Head to the first hole you see by the Gym entrance.
Once through you will find another hole. Go up to it for a fight.
This trainer uses Slugma.
No head back throught that first hole to the Gym entrance. go North to the only other hole in the room to really start the maze.
once through the hole you will see a path with two holes on either side. go up to it for a double battle.
They use Numel and Slugma.
Now go to the hole directly straight ahead.
Once through you will see three holes in a triangle shape. Go to the bottom right of it to start a double battle.
They will use Kecleon and Numel.
Now if you go around to he area above them you will see two holes. the one on the right is a trainer.
This trainer has Numel.
Take the hole to the left of that fight.
There should be two holes above of you now. The one on the right is a trainer.
He will use slugma.
Now take the other hole on the left.
There are three holes in the room you are in now. the one on the top right is a trainer.
She will use Meditite.
Take the hole on the top left.
You will be in a room with two other holes now. take the one in the middle
You will see two holes on he bottom of this room. Take the bottom right one.
Now jump down the ledge of where your at right now then take the hole to the right of where you just showed up to find the Gym leader.
Heal up your Pokémon so you can face the Fire type leader Flannery.
If you don't have a water Pokémon have one that can use Rock attacks. Your Pokémon should be atleast LVL 25 to challenge her. Her first Pokémon being Numel.
Afterwards is Slugma who was easily washed away.
Her next Pokémon was Camerupt. Be careful if he uses Sunny Day. It makes fire attacks stronger and Water attacks weaker.
Her last Pokémon is Torkoal.
Because of Sunny Day it makes it a bit harder to beat him.
As long as you heal your Pokémon if it get past half health you should be fine in defeating her.
With that you will earn the Heat Badge.
Now jump off the Ledge and head ouside to find your Rival. They will give you the Go-Googles as a gift for beating Flannery. With this you can now head into the desert.
After beating Flannery you can now head back to Petalburg to challenge your Dad.
Your Dad has Normal types so prepare a fighting Pokémon near LVL 30 to beat him.
To get to your Dad you will need to beat three rooms straight of Gym trainers. I will show off each room starting with the one on the left, Speed Room.
The Speed Room trainer has a fast Taillow.
Left of the Speed Room is the Confusion Room.
The Confuse Room trainer has a Spinda using Confuse Ray.
And finally on the top is the Strength Room.
The Strength Room has a Zangoose with Sword Dance. If he uses Sword Dance enough he will be able to OHKO you.
And Finally the Gym Leader's Room.
Now I'm gona head back to the entrance to do the doors I didn't do. Starting with the ones not taken on the Speed door route.
Right of the Speed Room is the Defense Room.
This trainer will use a Wigglytuff.
The left door of this room is the Defense Room we already did.
Take the right door to reach the OHKO Room
This trainer will use Vigroth.
Next is the Gym Room so one more path through the door to the right of the entrance.
The right door of the initila room is the Accuracy Room.
This trainer uses Delcatty.
Take the right door to reach the Recovery Room.
The trainer of this room will use Slakoth.
Once you have finished all the rooms get healed up and make sure you have sufficient supplies to face your father.
Your Dad's first Pokémon is Spinda.
Spinda was easily beaten with a Fighting move.
Next is Vigroth which was also beaten easily by a Fighting move.
His Linoone is next which was also beaten by you gueesed it a Fighting move.
Now come the real battle his Slakoth.
Using a Fighting move with a Pokémon 2 LVLs higher than him only did about a third damageof his health while he did over half.
SlotMake sure your constanly healed for this part of the fight.
The only reason this fight isn't any harder is because of Slaking's ability. He will randomly not attack.
Slaking also has Counter which will attack you with power twice what you hit him with if it was a Physical attack.
Not to mention a Situs Berry.
For this fight Attack when you have full health or near full health. If not just keep healing or he could easily take you out.
Once you beat your Dad you will get the Normal Badge.
While your Dad is congratulating you on your win Wally's Dad will show up and take you to his house.
He will thank you for being Wally's friend and give you the Hm Surf.
If you head back home now Mom will give you her number and
The Amulet Coin. If the Pokémon holding it participates in battle you will get double the usual prize money. From this moment on you will not buy anything except for a maximum of 20 of the latest potion. By endgame we need around 200,000 Poké dollars to pay for supplies for the Elite Four.
With Surf teach it to your Water Pokémon then head towards Route 103 where you first face your Rival.
Surfing across the water will show a double battle against some weak trainers.
They will use Tentacool and Marill.
Travel across the water to end up by the Trick House Route.
Now head over to Mauville. On route 110 by the fisherman there is an entrance to the lake there.
Go a little down to find a sign that Team Aqua vandalized.
Head to the right to find the entrance to a cave.
Inside is the entrance to New Mauville. But the door is locked.
Head to Mauville and in the center of the City is Wattson. He will give you the key and ask you to shut down the generators.
Head back to New Mauville and you can use the keys to get inside.
Once Inside hit the Blue switch you first see then go down the left path.
Next hit the first green switch you see.
Do not hit the next Blue switch you see but hit the one underneath the Escape Rope Item.
To the top right is an item ball that is really the Pokémon Voltorb.
Keep going and you will see two items on top of switches. You don't need to hit them so don't bother.
Continue and you will see another pair of items and switches.
Get the Full Heal on the right and hit the Green switch.
This room is the generator room. Hit the switch on the floor to shut it down.
Now head back and hit the Blue switch.
Ignore the next set of switches and his the Green switch that had a Voltorb earlier.
Now head past the Blue switch and take the right path. You will end up at the entrance.
Now go back and talk to Wattson and he will give you a Tm for you help. Now head to route 118.

Road to the Sixth Gym - Route 118

A few trainers block your path here. they will use Zigzagoon, Roselia,
Aron, Shroomish, and
Next is the fisherman.
He only has Tentacool.
And finally the rocker.
He'll use Magnemite, and
Surf across the small river dividing the Route.
Talk to the fisherman on the other side and he will give you a Good Rod.
The reporters are also on the other side.
They will have Exploud and Magnemite now.
Now head down the right path to find another fisherman.
He will use Tentacool,
and Caravanha
Keep going and you will see a bird trainer.
He will use both Taillow, and
To the right is another bird trainer who uses

Road to the Sixth Gym - Route 119

The next two Routes are filled with Tall Grass that you cannot Bike through.
The trainers in this first grass area mimic your movements. Also give proper direction to these trainers is hard so use the pictures to distinguish who I'm talking about. First we will face the one on the top right.
He uses Surskit.
Next the trainer below him.
he uses Nincada, and
Next the trainer to the left of that guy.
He has Wurmple,
and Dustox
A little higher up is another bug trainer.
He has a Ninjask.
Next the trainer to the left.
He has Wurmple,
Silcoon, and
Finally the last bug trainer by the item.
He'll use Volbeat, and
Past the first grass area is a house full of Wingull.
Go past there up the stairs.
You'll eventually see a Pokémon Ranger next to a bridge. Battle him.
He will use Gloom, and
Travel across the bridge and go up the stairs that follow.
You will eventually reach a camper.
He will have a Breloom.
Now go up a little more to reach a double battle.
The trainers will use Swellow and Goldeen.
Now go up a little more to find a slope. If you have a Mach bike you can go up it.
If you do you will reach this trainer here.
He will use Wingull, and
If you didn't have the bike you would have to go around and face this double battle.
They have Ninjask,
Koffing, Slugma,
And Numel.
Now if you head up a little bit you will find the Weather Institute aswell as Team Aqua blobking the bridge.
Head inside the Weather Institute.
To the left is a PC as well as a bed to rest on.
Once your healed go face the Aqua grunts.
The girl on the chair will have Caravanha.
Next the guy standing by the computers.
He has a Zubat, and
a Poochyena.
Head up the stairs.
A double battle of grunts will block your way.
These grunts have Zubat,
Poochyena, and
Next the grunt in the middle of the room.
He has Poochyena,
Zubat, and
Heal your Pokémon if you need to and fight the Admin at the end of the room.
Her first Pokémon is Caravanha,
Followed by Mightyena.
Once you beat them you will learn that everyone is going to Mt. Pyre.
For saving them the scientist will give you the Pokémon Castform. Castform is a good Pokémon.
But if you don't want to use him take the Mystic Water he's holding. It will help your Water Pokémon.
Now heal your Pokémon and cross the bridge.
Head up and your Rival will appear to challenge you.
Your Rival will challenge you with evolved forms of the Pokémon from your last battle with them. For me thats Lombre
And their Starter Pokémon.
After you beat them they will give you the Hm Fly.
Now keep heading North till you run into a trainer.
He uses Manectric.
The ninja to his left which would have been a double battle is hidden as a tree.
He'll use Ninjask
Head a little North to find another hidden ninja.
This ninja will use Koffing.
Head left of the Ninja to reach the Sixth Gym.

Road to the Sixth Gym - Fortree City

In the middle treetop by the Pokémon center you can obtain a Tm.
Talk to the woman inside and say it in her Right hand, followed by right, and then left.
The tm is hidden power which can be any type depending on the Pokémon using it.
Now if you head toward the Gym you will find that you cannot reach it.
Leave the City for now and head to Route 120.
Theres a trainer as soon as you enter the route.
She will use Roselia, and
Head out a little farther in the Route.
You will find the reports waiing on this route.
Their Pokémon now being Exploud and Magneton. They will rotate between each of the positions you've seen them in after each battle.
Head south to find another trainer.
He will use Swablu.
Now cross the bridge to find Steven waiting for you.
Talk to him and he will reveal the secret of the unpassable walls.
They were really invisible Pokémon, Kecleon. You can catch or beat the Kecleon if you want. there are a few others on the route.
He will now give you the Devon Scope so you can find them yourself and then fly away.
Now head back to Fortree Gym and the Kecleon will run away.
Fortree Gym can be beat with Fire and Rock moves.
Now head through the bottom turn tile to continue.
Head through the second turnstile for the first Gym trainer battle.
He will use Skarmory.
For the next turnstile go to the middle of it.
Then move left.
Now go around it to face the double battle.
They will use Doduo, Swablu,
and Skarmory.
For the next turnstile you will have to go around once. Go through the first turnstile
Now make a left on the second turnstil so you ca ngo reset the first one.
Reset the first one to its original position then go through the second one again to reach the trainer.
Once through you can now face the double battle.
They have Doduo, Swellow,
Pelipper, and Xatu.
Now head all the way to the left to face the last Gym trainer.
He will use Tropius.
Now turn the turnstile by the trainer so you can get back out from the inside of it.
Next go through the one on the bottom right.
go through the one on the top right and go around.
Once back around reset the bottom right turnstile so you can go through.
Once you've done that head through it again.
You can now reach the Gym leader.
Go heal your Pokémon so you can battle Winona
Her first Pokémon Swablu should be beat with Rock Types.
Swablu knows Perish Count. if the Count reaches 0 all Pokémon who heard the song will faint that turn.
Because of that we both switch to different Pokémon then.
Her Skarmory must be beat with Fire moves.
She then brought out Swablu again which was easily beat with barely any health.
Her Tropius can easily be beat with Fire moves as well.
Her next Pokemon is Pelipper which is resistant to Fire moves.
A Rock or Electric, if you have it, move will take care of him.
Finally is her Altaria.
Altaris being her strongest Pokémon I decided to poison her.
I then fought her with my stongest flying type to counter any damage she would do, but Rock moves will be super effective.
With that we now have the Feather Badge.
This allows us to fly to any town we have been to before.

Road to the Seventh Gym - Route 120

Now head back across the bridge Steven left you at.
There is a trainer past the bridge.
He will have Wingull, and
Keep going to reach a double battle.
Head past that area to find an area with tall grass.
Go South from there to find a bridge.
Keep going from there till you reach Route 121.
A little ways up on the Route you will find a double battle
Past that you will find Team Aqua heading to Mt. Pyre.
Ignore them for now and head right to reach the next city.
You will pass the Safari Zone and then meet a group of trainers.
Past all these trainers is Lilycove City.
Road to the Seventh Badge - Lilycove City
Once you've healed at the Pokémon Center. Head to Mt. Pier.
Surf around the Mountain to find the entrance.
Once there head inside.
Go to the left of the entrance to climb the mountain.
There is only one path up so just keep going.
You will reach a misty area which means that your almost here.
Keep going up and you will reach an area change to the Mt. Pyre Summit.

Pokemon Platinum Slot Machine Guide

Go up and there are a couple grunts waiting.
Beat all of them and you will find out that Team Magma and Aqua have stolen the Orbs here
Team Aqua will then leave.
South of the Pokémon Center is the Contest Hall.
Enter it and tallk to the receptionist to get the Pokéblock case. This allows you to enter the Safari Zone.
Now head North of the Pokémon Center to find your Rival blocking the way to the Mall until you beat them.
Their team will be the same, but now including a Tropius.
Using the same strategy as last time is all you will need to beat them.

Pokemon Platinum Slot Machine

Head right of the mall to find the move deleters house.
You can now talk to him to delete any move you want including Hms.
Head past his house to jump down some ledges to where the Aqua grunts are.
Go past the house thats there so you can reach the coast.
Go to the top right of the coast where the grunt training wailmers is at.
Head North of there to find Aquas Base.
Talk to the Aqua grunts blant the way to their base and they will tell about Team Magma's plan.
With that knowledge head to Lavaridge Town and get a Pokémon with Strength and Rock Smash.
Now head to the the Jagged Pass from the entrance of Mt. Chimney.
Remember the grunt that was here earlier. Well he was trying to get into their base
Head inside the newly formed hole.
Now take the path and use strength on these boulders.
Move the bottom one out of the way first.
Then the one on the top left.
Now keep going on the path till you reach a cave entrance next to some generators.
Head inside.
Head past a couple grunts.
You'll know your going the right way if your in an area with two grunts circling a generator.
Head down all the stairs to reach another door.
There are a couple grunts in here, but you need to reach the end of the cave to the bottom left.
Past the first door.
And in the bottom left corner is the cave entrance i mentioned.
Go through this room beating all the grunts till you reach Maxie.
Once you talk to Maxie the Blue Orb will activate.
Groudon will awaken and then leave.
Maxie thinking you are behind this will challenge you to a battle.
His first Pokémon Mightyena will be beat by some Fighting moves
His Camerupt will be easily water logged by Surf.
His Crobat can be beat with a Psychic move.
After you beat him Maxie will see the erroe of his ways and leave.
Now head through the cave past the battle to reach the exit.
There is an Escape Rope to your left which you can use to escape the cave. If so skip ahead a bit.
Now head up the stairs to return back to the beginning.
You'll end up at the beginning of the first area. Just hump off the ledge and head back around.
When you head back around just solve the puzzle and your out.
Push the first boulder down and the top right one to the right.
Now if you head back to Aqua base you will find out that Aqua is stealing the submarine from Slateport City.
Head to Slateport and theres an interview going on.
Team Aqua will crash the party and steal the submarine.
Now head back to their base to find out why.
Head throught the door on the top right.
Take the teleporter on the left.
GameHead around the corner and go to the left to grab an important item.
Take the teleporter.
Take the right one.
take the middle one.
Now the left one.
And the left one again.
Now once your in this room go to the items in the top left.
Two of them are Electrodes.
The one on the top left is a Master Ball.
The Master Ball will catch any Wild Pokémon without faill. Best used to catch one of 4 Legendary Pokémon in the game. And unless you win the Lottery you can only obtain one a game.
Head back to the last room and take the teleporter on the right side.
Now head down the stairs.
On the right side of the room there is another teleporter to take.
Take the Stairs up.
Take the stairs on the right side of the room to reach this room.
Take the teleporter to reach the end of the base.
The Aqua Admin will stall you so Archie can leave.
After beating him you lost Archie, so you can't follow him for now.
Take the teleporter on the bottom right to reach the first teleporter.
Head back to Slateport and prepare for a trip across the sea.

Road to the Seventh Gym - Route 124

It's more or less a straight path right to Mossdeep City. I'll use the trainers as markers.
After going past the double battle you will see a lone swimmer.
If you hit a dead end go a little bit south
You'll see a house on the ocean owned by hunter.
Once you can dive underwater you will find certain item you can trade him for evolutionary stones.
It's only a short hop to the right to reach Mossdeep City.

Road to Seventh Gym - Mossdeep City

On the right side of the Island is the Space Center.
Steven is there helping out because of Team Magma.
With nothing else to do prepare a Dark type to defeat the Seventh Gym.
This Gym is owned by a pair of twins who double battle
As such every gym battle in the Gym can be a double battle.
Take the teleporter in the bottom left corner.
Head to the bottom of this room.
There you will find a green switch.
Hit it twice so you can pass to the teleporter when you get to that room.
Next take the teleporter at the top.
Now take the teleporter to the left.
Hit the blue switch until you can reach the left side of the room.
Once on the left side of the room hit the blue switch so can make it to the side once you start pressing the red button.
Once you do that hit the red button untill you can make it throught the right side.
Now make it back around so you can hit the blue button.
Once you can make it back to the first blue button get there so you can press it.
Hit the first blue button so you can make it to the right side of the room.
Take the teleporter.
You will be in the room with the green tiles so head to the other teleporter.
This will take you to the Gym room.
Now heal up to challenge Tate and Liza. I recommend your Pokémon being around LVL 38.
Tate and Liza will use 4 Pokémon. Since their a team you can't just defeat them one at a time.
Also becareful of Earthquake.
Other than Xatu the rest of their Pokémon is weak to Water damage.
Xatu will also use Calm Mind a lot so if you do use a Water type focus on Xatu
If you use a combination of Surf and Dark moves you can win the battle fairly easily.
Make sure you have a good supply of Hyper Potions and Revives just in case though. Especially if your not near their LVL like my Mightyena.
Once you win you will obtain the Mind badge.
Now heal and head to the Space Center to find Team Magma just arrived themselves.
There are a couple grunts, but beat them and head to the second floor.
When you reach the seconf Floor you need to battle three trainers at once, but they only have one Pokémon each.
Once you beat them head to the botom left corner to find Steven with Maxie.
To beat Maxie Steven will double battle with you. Choose three Pokémon for it. I recommend a Water, Fighting, and Psychic Type.
Both Maxie and his Admin have the exact three Pokémon.
Mightyena, Golbat, and Camerupt.
Once you win Steven will want to thank you for your help.
His house is the one on the top left corner of the island
Steven will give you the Hm Dive.
The dark patches of water you see are places you can use dive on to reach the ocean floor.
Once your ready with a Pokémon that knoes dive head to the bottom left hand corner of the shore.

Road to the Final Badge - Sootopolis City

Head south through Route 124.
You will pass a red headed swimmer.
Keep on going South.
YOu will reach Router 126 quickly with a double battle.
Keep going till you reach white rocks.
It is around this area with white rocks that you want to dive.
At the very bottom of the underground area is a cave.
Go in the cave and resurface.
This will lead you to Sootopolis City.
The Poké Mart is on the left hand side.
The Pokémon Center is on the right hand corner.
The Gym is closed for the moment so we will go looking for Team Aqua since we can Dive now.
Before you leave make sure you have a Pokémon with Rock Smash and Strength.

Stopping Team Aqua

Resurface right outside the city.
Head to the bottom right hand corner and surf up the wall keep to it so you don't get lost.
Once you start seeing regular brown colored rocks you are almost there.
there will be a point where you can go around the brown rocks to head down a path.
It should be following a group of diveable water.
You will now you on the right path if you run into a red swimmer with a Wingull, and a Staryu.
Go a little bit more South to reach Route 128 meaning your almost there.
Go a little right to see a shallow piece of water you can land on.
Dive in the piece of water to see a cave.
Go in to find the submarine that Team Aqua stole.
Resurface to reach land.
Go in the cave here to go find Team Aqua.
Take the left path see some rocks.
break the first rock and move the boulder down.
The next Boulder you see just move straight.
Take the cave entrance on the top left.
Use rock smach on the rock in the middle to reach the left side of the room.
Move the Boulder at the top left straight to the top
Use Rock Smash on the Rock dividing the left from the right and just move the Boulder straight across.
Head into the cave on the top right now.
The currents will force you down a path so foll my directions to get to the end of the room.

Pokemon Crystal Slot Machine

Take the first current on the bottom right.
Take the next current on the right up so you can be in a four way zone.
Take the path going up.
Once your out of that current take the current directly up.
Once you take that current it will lead you to a currentless zone leading to the exit.
Just head to the North of the cave now.
This leads to one of the last rooms.
In this room you can either battle the grunts or solve the puzzle.
Either way they lead to the same cave.
For the Boulder puzzle first move the bottom boulder to the right.
Next move the middle boulder up.
Now move the top right boulder up.
Finally the top middle boulder goes to the left.
Either route you take head to the next room.
There is another boulder puzzle you must solve to reach Archie.
Move the bottom middle boulder up.
Next the bottom left boulder to the left.
The middle boulder on the second row goes to the right.
Middle boulder of the thirs row goes up one to the fourth row.
Left boulder of the third row goes to the left.
Right boulder of the third row goes to the right.
Second to the right boulder of the fourth row goes up.
Second from the left boulder of the fourth row goes up one.
Finally the middle boulder of the fourth row goes to the right one.
Now head into the final stretch of the cave to meet the Pokémon Archie's reviving.
Head to the tile directly infront of the Pokémon for Archie to show up.
He will then challenge you to battle.
After beating him the Red Orb will star shining like with Groudon.
Kyogre will awaken and leave the cave.
Maxie will show up and take you and Archie to see what's going on.
Kyogre and Groudon have started warping the weather, so Maxie and Archie leave to try to stop them.
Steven will appear and tell you to head to Sootopolis.
Fly to Sootopolis to get a cutscene of the Pokémon doing battle.
At the Gym is Maxie and Archie trying to stop the Pokémon.
Steven is on the left hand side.
He leads you to the Cave of Origin.
The cave only has one path so take it to the end to meet Wallace.
He will have you brainstorm for ideas to stop this.
He will ask if you have heard of the whereabouts of a green flying Pokémon called Rayquaza.
Say Sky Pillar.
Head back to where Kyogre was found and Surf south of there.
It will take you to Route 129.
Head West on Route 129 to reach Pacifidolg Town.
It's a very straight path from route 129 to Pacifidolg.
Once you heal head back through route 130
While going through Route 130 hug the upper wall.
Once you reach an opening near a swimmer go up a bit and turn left.
Head left and around.
This leads to the entrance to Sky Pillar.
Head up this cave to reach the actual entrance to Sky Pillar.
Once you leave the cave Wallace will show up to greet you.
He will lead you to The Sky Pillar and unlock the door for you.
Just keep heading up the Pillar.
Near the top will be some cracks of the floor.
Walk on the crack to fall throught it.
Once you do you will be able to head up the stairs to the area blocked by rocks.
Head to the top to meet Rayquaza
Go up to Rayquaza to wake him up.
He will head to Sootopolis after waking.
You can fly in this room so fly back to Sootopolis.
There will be another cutscene and Rayquaza save the day. The End.
Head to the Gym and talk to Archie and Maxie.
They'll leave afterwards and if you talk to Wallace and Steven they will thank you.
Wallace giving you the final Hm Waterfall.
The Final Gym - Sootopolis Part 2
Heal up and get ready to defeat the final Gym leader.
The floor is a puzzle and if you step on a tile twice it will break.
Doing this will lead to all the Gym trainers in the basement.
To solve it simply touch every tile in the area to continue. Move left.
Moove up to the left rock.
Move to the right side of the area.
Move up and turn left and the slope will turn into stairs.
Move to theFirst tile of the second area and head to the leaft side of the area.
From the bottom left hand tile move straight up.
Move two steps to the right so your on the tile to the right of the slope.
Move one step down.
Move directly to the right till you reach the rock on the right side.
Move one step down.
Move to the right side wall.
From the bottom right corner move straight up to the top right corner.
Now move to the left infront of the stairs.
Now get ready on the first tile to finish the last puzzle.
Move to the left side wall.
Move straight up to the top left corner.
Go one step to the right.
Go one step down.
Go one step to the right
Go one step down.
Go one step to the right.
Now go straight up.
Go once to the right.
Go one step down.
Go one step to the right.
Go one step down.
Go one step to the right.
Go one step down.
Move one step to the right.
Go one step up
Two steps to the right.
One step down.
One step to the right.
Move all the way up to the top right hand corner.
Move two steps to the left
Move one step down.
Move one step to the left.
Move one step up.
Now finally move two steps to the left to reach the stairs.
Now heal and challenge Juan. You will need Fighting and either Grass or Electric moves.
His first Pokémon Luvdisk can be beaten with either Grass or Electric moves.
For Sealeo you will need a Fighting move.
For Crawdaunt use Electric or Fighting Moves.
An Electric or if you have it a Dragon move will beat Seadra.
Whiscash is his last Pokémon. Grass moves are the only type that super effective
Congratulations on getting your last badge. All that stands in your way is the Elite Four and the Champion.

Optional - Sky Pillar.

If you want you can head back to the Sky Pillar to catch Rayquaza. However he is LVL 70 so unless your Pokémon are around LVL 60 or you plan to use your Master ball it will be extremely hard to catch him.
Head upstairs but notice that here are a lot more rocks than last time.
You need a Mach Bike now to reach the top.
Get a running start and get to the bottom.
From here get ready for a tight turn.
Head to the left.
Turn up.
To the right.
And up again.
Head to the next floor and get ready for a really tight turn.
Head left then turn straight up at the rock.
Next back up.
And fall at either the second or third crack.
Now head to the top where Rayquaza is.
Save before the fight, beacuse if something goes wrong you will not be able to catch Rayquaza again.

Victory Road

Head to where Team Aqua awakened Kyogre once again and head right of that area with a Pokémon that knows Waterfall..
Head past the fisherman and you will run into a swimmer.
Keep going to reach Evergrande City.
Scale the Waterfall to reach the Pokémon Center.
Go inside and get Pokémon that know Strength, Rock Smash, Flash, Surf, and Waterfall.
Now head inside and be ready for a few strong battles.
Head inside and go straight up.
Walk up the stairs and cross the bridge.
Once you cross it Wally will show up to challenge you once again.
He's a lot stronger since last time. He uses the Dragon Altaria.
Magenton which is easily beat with Fire.
His Gardevoir with Dark moves.
Delcatty with Fighting moves.
Altaria with Rock or Ice moves.
Roseila with Fire moves.
Once beat go heal your Pokémon if you need it and head North of Wally.
There is a ladder going down.
Once down the ladder and then use Flash.
Move the boulder on the left to the left.
Move the boulder on the right to the right.
Next break the first rock you see and head past the bridge.
Head down the stairs and head South of the trainer.
Head south and turn left.
Go down the ladder.
Head Noth of the trainer to reach a pool of water.
Take the Waterfall to the left up.
Head back around to the other side to find another waterfall. Go down it.
HEad to the left to reach a ladder.
Take the ladder up.
Head South of where the ladder took you.
Break the top left rock.
Move the boulder down.
Break the bottom left rock.
Move up and take the ladder up.
Walk across the bridge and head down the stairs.
Head North past a couple trainers.
The path will lead to the exit.
Head North to reach the Entrance stop to the Pokemon League.

The Elite Four

Inside is both a Poké Mart and Center. At the Mart get around 50 Full Restores and 50 Reveive. If you have extra Pokédollars buy more Full Restores.
Talk to the guys blocking the entrance and they will confirm that you have all the Badges.
Your Pokemon Must be atleast LVL 45 and have the following move types: Fighting, Electric, Fire, Dark, Ice, Flying. If you need more Xp spend all your Money and just keep challenging the Elite Four Without using Items. Once you ready then fight with everything you have.
First up is sidney who uses Dark types. Fighting and the odd Fire and Electric moves will beat him.
I use Focus Energy to have a better chance at a crit.
Next Double Kick which almost beats him.
Mightyena will use Sand-Attack. I he used it a lot on your Pokémon just switch out because you will most likely miss every move.
All of the Elite Four will use Full Restore a lot when their Pokémon is almost beat.
Just use your Fighting move.
For Shiftry switch to your fire type to burn him.
For Absol use your fighting move.
Crawdaunt use your Electric type.
For Cacturne your Fire type.
Phoebe the Ghost type is next. Before the fight starts fully revive/heal all your Pokémon.
First is Duskclops who will use Protect a lot.
I use this predictability to set up Spikes which will damage all Pokémon switching in.
I then use Faint Attack my Dark move to attack.
If Duskclops uses Curse switch out if possible, because you will get hit by damage every turn if not. You can switch back in right after if you want.
Next is her second Duskclops. He knows Ice Beam so be careful.
He also has a Sitrus Berry.
When possible revive or heal Pokémon you need for the battle ahead of time ir it might be too late.
Use Dark Moves and Dusclops will be beat.
Next is Banette.
Banette knows Thunderbolt so be careful.
Use your strongest move if your Pokémon is weak to Banettes or any of her Pokémon's moves. Except Normal or Fighting moves. Don't use those.
She has another Banette if your wondering. which is weaker than the other.
Finally is Sableye which is Dark Ghost so Dark moves aren't Super Effective.
Heal and get ready for the next fight.
Next is Glacia the Ice trainer. Have your Electric type first.
For Glalie use your Fire Type.
I used stat boosting moves, Calm Mind, on my Gardevoir and I still needed him for a few more electric hits so i left him in.
She has a second Glalie for your Fire type.
For Walrein use your Electric move.
Walrein is holding a Sitrus Berry.
As for his second Sealeo use an Electric attack.
Now heal up your Pokémon and get your Ice type handy.
If you had an easy time of it so far Drake the Dragon trainer is where things get a little harder.
Use your Ice move to take down Shelgon.
Altaria will use Dragon Dance which will make it a huge threat.
Use your Strongest Ice move to take it down in one hit.
For Kindra take out your Electric Move.
Her Seadra is extremely resilent however so if you have a stat boosting move I would use it now.
He actually switched in Flygon that is resilent to Electric here before I took down his Seadra.
Use your strongest Ice move on Flygon.
Seadra is resiliant to Ice so switch in your Electric here.
If he switched out Seadra like he did with me just use the same strategy as eralier to defeat him.
Salamence is his strongest Pokémon. Make sure your Ice type is fully healed before sending him in.
Once you do use your strongest Ice move.
Make sure you heal before you enter the next room. It has an event so you won't have the chance to heal your Pokémon once you enter.
Wallace is actually the Champion using a team of Water types.
Have your Electric type out to fight Wallace.
Use your strongest Electric move on Wailord because it has a lot of HP. My Gardevoirs PP became empty after dealing with Drake's Seadra.
Be careful of Tentacruels Poison
If you have a Psychic move that will beat him.
Ludicolo can be beat with a strong Flying move.
Whiscash can't be beat by Electric moves. If you have a Grass move use that.
Since Earthquake can miss I stalled Whiscash by constantly healing with Full Restore and then useing Calm Mind after the turn he missed.
After almost max stat boost it OHKO him.
Gyarados is next and can be beat with an Electric move
Gyarados knows Hyper Beam and Earthquake too, I stalled him out just like Whiscash.
Milotic is next.
Milotic will use the move Recover to heal most of his health and use Toxic to damage you. His other moves like surf and Ice Beam is also reasonably strong.
If you can use two strong Electric moves you can beat Milotic.
Be careful though because his Recover can stall the battle out for sometime.
We stalled so Long against each other that both my Gardevoir and his Milotic fainted on the same turn.
After you win your Rival show up to give you advice on how to win.
Now just Record your team in the Hall of Fame and your done.
Congratulations on completeing Pokémon Emerald.